2011 XP Gold Medal Horse and Rider Teams

Congratulations to these 2011 XP Gold Medal Horse and Rider Teams!

1000 or more miles – same horse and rider,any combination of XP and SR rides = GOLD

750 to 999 miles – same horse and rider,any combination of XP and SR rides – SILVER

500 to 749 miles – same horse and rider,any combination of XP and SR rides – BRONZE

GOLD MEDAL HORSE – 1000+ Miles (same rider)
1 Chaton, Karen Pro Bono D 1990
2 Chaton, Karen Granite Chief+/ 1460
3 Tinkham, Terri Oliver Twist 1415
4 Richardson, Carla SS Kharady Khid 1205
5 Wright, Darla EM Darrha 1150
6 Herron, Chris Ambersun 1085
7 Fredrickson, Karen MRR Pyro 1055
8 Rabe, Dave Red 1045
9 Rigney, Lynn Predictable 1030
10 Neunzig, Kathy PAR Snickety +// 1025
11 Rabe, Dave Midnight Melody Marie(Emmy) 1015