2011 Gold Medal: Lynn Rigney and Predictable


Lynn and Mio in Nebraska. Photo by Paschal Karl (Karl Creations).

Rider and horse name: Lynn M. Rigney – Predictable — AKA – Mio

Horse Barn name: Mio

Breed: Arabian

Horse & rider years in endurance & # of miles – Mio 4 years and I have been riding endurance off and on since the 70’s. Most concentrated time has been in the last 4 years – total number of miles is 2450 for rider (recorded with AERC) and 1580 for the Mio… I rode endurance when I was much younger – in my teens before AERC was keeping computerized records, riding in Northern California.

Which XP ride did you enjoy the most this year? Pony Express of course!


Lynn and Mio at Eastern Mojave. Photo by Steve Bradley.

Which ride did you find the most challenging, and why? Pony Express of course! Logistics of getting people to crew (and getting them in and out of different locations), getting the horses ready, getting my trailer ready, and leaving my husband for 9 weeks! Doing a ride cross country has been on my bucket list since I was a kid, well before bucket lists were even thought of! Just having all the supplies, my horses being healthy, and having everybody trained on all the little nuances of my trailer, how I would like things done, and finding our way across country was a GREAT challenge!

What do you feel is the most important thing you learned about yourself and your horse this past year? That being with my horse on the road was a special experience. Mio and I developed a deeper bond and respect for each other (he is still learning about being respectful and patient!). This travel across the country also gave me the opportunity to meet some really wonderful people that will be in my life until the day I leave this earth.

Is there anything you did this year that you would do differently next year? (or, if you had a chance to do this last year over again)? If Dave decides to do this again (maybe a 2 or 3 week version) – Count me in!

What do you think was the best thing that you did do? Ride as many miles as I could on the Pony Express!

What are your horses best qualities? His strong spirit!

Did anything funny or strange happen on any of the rides this year? Several people on the PX ride had a water fight with Tom and Betty’s kids. It was a great break from the day to day events. The laughter of a child changes everything!