2011 Cuyama Oaks XP Overall Results

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Here are the overall results for the 2011 Cuyama Oaks XP ride. The first list is of riders that rode the same horse all three days and 155 miles.  Fastest overall time for the 3 days on the same horse was awarded to Crockett Dumas riding OT Sara Moniet RSI.  Overall BC was awarded to Becky Lange’s horse Mocha Jack “M”.  The second list is of riders that completed all three days on two or more horses. If anybody isn’t on the list and should be, let Karen know!

1 Dumas, Crockett OT Sara Moniet RSI 17:37:00
2 Lange, Becky Mocha Jack aka M 18:57:10 BC
3 Jett, Stacy HA Princess Tootie 20:08:00
4 McIntosh, Lori Brumarba Red Shai 20:53:00
5 Casey, Diane Liberty 21:49:10
6 Wolfe, Anna Que Fantastica (Fanny) 22:55:00
7 Stevens, Diane Banderaz LC 23:53:00
8 Mayes, Tom Caly 24:21:20
9 Cunningham, Marci Fire Mt Odyssey 26:47:20
10 Chaton, Karen Pro Bono D 26:49:00
11 Guise, Tom Quicksilver 27:01:00
12 Esler, Janine CR Sampson 27:01:20
13 Holder, Sandy American Justice 27:02:00
14 White, Barbara Djubilee 27:02:00
15 Granter, Barbara Lea Canadian Brook 27:03:00
16 Bumgardner, Jackie Fire Mt Zane 27:47:10
17 Briscoe, Cheri MMF Thunder’s Echo 29:16:10
18 Koch, Linda Electra 29:44:20
19 Smith, Jane My Anna 30:09:00
20 Tinkham, Terri Oliver Twist 32:12:00

Same rider, more than one horse:

1 Beaupre, Jackie
2 Hilzman, Elfta
3 Kratochvil, Ann
4 Masters, Liz
5 Mayes, Yolanda
6 Myers, Kevin
7 Ribley, Robert
8 Robinson, Tammy
9 Van Fossen, Heather
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