2011 Mount Carmel XP Overall Results

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Here are the overall results for the 2011 Mount Carmel XP ride. The first list is of riders that rode the same horse all five days and 250 miles.  Fastest overall time as well as Overall BC for the 5 days on the same horse was awarded to Leah McCombs and TAR Pistol Pete.  The second list is of riders that completed all five days on two or more horses. If anybody isn’t on the list and should be, let Karen know!

Same Horse & Rider All 5 Days – Mt. Carmel XP 2011
1 McCombs, Leah TAR Pistol Pete 33:57:10
2 Sturgeon, Jeanetta FlyofthePhoenix 35:09:30
3 Wright, Darla EM Darrha 38:59:30
4 Rex, J.B. Red 39:57:40
5 Bromley, Roshelle Aszia Joy 41:36:30
6 Powers, Lee Ann Don Taj Amir Esh 41:36:50
7 Briscoe, Cheri MMF Thunder’s Echo 44:31:20
8 Lynn-Elias, Julia Admiral’s Cognac (Remy) 47:58:50
9 Richardson, Carla SS Kharady Khid 49:01:00
Same Rider – More than one horse all 5 days – Mt. Carmel XP 2011
1 Fredy, Barbara It Happens
Fredy, Barbara Partyin’ Bob
2 Hilzman, Elfta Activation
Hilzman, Elfta RHA Believable
3 Jankovich, Rebecca Simply Irrisistible
Jankovich, Rebecca GL Adonis
4 Redente, Kerry Bountyful Prince
Redente, Kerry Don Skinner’s Shogun
5 Sahagun, Tracy ReadiStreak
Sahagun, Tracy Hot Rod Tiki
6 Weiper, Vicki Stahr Kon
Weiper, Vicki Fire Cracker
1 Mahoney, Tennessee Moxy
Mahoney, Tennessee Just Magnum
Mahoney, Tennessee Follow Your Folly
2 Schork, Christoph Double Zell
Schork, Christoph Stars Aflame
Schork, Christoph LZP Linnzell


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