Bryce Canyon XP 2011 Overall Results

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Here are the overall results for the 2011 Bryce Canyon XP ride. The first list is of riders that rode the same horse all five days and 250 miles.  Fastest overall time for the 5 days on the same horse was awarded to Susan Garlinghouse riding John Henry.  Overall Best Condition went to Jane Smith riding My Anna.  The second list is of riders that completed all five days on two or more horses. If anybody isn’t on the list and should be, let Karen know!

1 Garlinghouse, Susan John Henry 38:59:00
2 Smith, Jane My Anna 43:07:00
3 Cowan, Charles “Chuck” MMR Tuff Ballatorie (Blazer) 43:12:00
4 Wright, Darla EM Darrha 45:34:00

Five day riders on more than one horse:

1 Chaton, Karen Pro Bono D Granite Chief
2 Robinson, Tammy TR Big Enough TR Magnums Image
3 Schork, Christoph TC Mounshine LZP Linnzell
4 Redente, Kerry Bountyful Prince Seth
5 Mongrain, Betsy FS Any Question Laser
6 Rabe, Dave Midnight Melody Marie(Emmy) Cheyenne / Red
7 Hommertzheim, Peter Miles Classy Investment
8 Kemerer, Skip Samir Moniet Ca Rock the Blues
9 Godwin, Claire PL Mercury EH Ahmose+/
10 Van Fossen, Heather Joule Hearts of Harlem
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